
Arkansas Repertory Theater Archives

Clybourne Park at The Rep © 2014 . All rights reserved.

Clybourne Park at The Rep

The Arkansas Repertory Theater was kind enough to provide me with tickets to Clybourne Park at The Rep so that I could write about my experience. Opinions and applause are all mine. How do I tell you about the current play at … Continue reading

© 2013 . All rights reserved.

Death of a Salesman at the Rep

Friends, this is not the way I like to express my thoughts about a play (quickly) – but it’s a necessity because it’s Friday, which means you only have 4 more chances to see this play, and 2 of those … Continue reading

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Treasure Island at The Rep

Last Saturday, I got the chance to take all three kids to see Treasure Island: a new musical at The Rep. Really, there’s few things that excite me more than live theater with people I love. These guys were feeling … Continue reading

© 2011 . All rights reserved.


As a member of the high school graduating class of (ahem) 1989, I was well acquainted with hairspray. And also, the movie musical, Hairspray. I probably looked something like this the first time I saw it, actually. Oh yeah, baby. … Continue reading

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