- acting, art, bryan, church, design, faith, family, fear, food, friends, funny, garden, healthy, life, loss, movies, music, race, relationships, theater, Uncategorized, vacation, writing
That I would see – the dramaticthe dramatic
← → © 2015 Sarabeth Jones. All rights reserved. That I would see 9 Mar ’15 A few Sundays ago at church, I was asked to welcome folks and introduce the topic for the day, which was the Holy Spirit. As with many things that we discuss, this particular subject is full of mystery, which also means it can be ripe for misunderstanding, divisiveness, and general grumping around. These types of differences are only amplified when you have a church that is both interdenominational and racially diverse. So I wanted to do my best to get us all started off together, and I find what’s usually best is to tell a…
- acting, art, bryan, church, design, faith, family, fear, food, friends, funny, garden, healthy, life, loss, movies, music, race, relationships, theater, Uncategorized, vacation, writing
Sunday Fun Day – the dramaticthe dramatic
← → © 2015 Sarabeth Jones. All rights reserved. Sunday Fun Day 9 Feb ’15 Bryan texted me at church yesterday to let me know everything was okay, I texted back: I wish I could have seen the guy’s face when he opened the door. Bryan texted me back, just 3 words. Smoke weed everyday. Sunday mornings at my house are a little nuts, mostly because they are the one morning a week I have to be up and out early, while simultaneously not being in gym clothes. Hair, makeup, cute outfit, all by 8:00 am. I know. Life is hard. This Sunday was actually humming along pretty well. I and the two teenagers…